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🧪Apple Releases
macOS 12.6.1 (21G217)
Xcode 14.1 (14B47b) 跟 RC2 一樣
HIG 有些許更新:IAP, Live Activities, Apple Pencil and Scribble, and Widgets
🚥Swift Evolution Dashboard──Swift.org
SE 狀態整合到 Swift 官網合理許多。
We just merged the PR that makes the Swift Evolution proposals dashboard directly accessible from the Swift website. Give a try and leave your feedback in the forums!
🍏Apple Security Bounty. Upgraded.
Bounty program。更多變化可以到 Apple Security 官網。
🙋if and switch expressions──Swift Pitch
在 if 跟 switch 裡面某些狀況下可以省略寫 return
🤪Random Tweets
Don’t install the iOS 16.2 beta if you use AirPlay!
AirPlay crashes many audio apps, including Overcast, in the iOS 16.2 beta.
This is currently Overcast’s #1 crash by a LARGE margin. (Lots of iOS-beta fans out there!)
Apple feedback number: FB11731402
關掉 Xcode 14.1 的 Xcode Cloud「廣告」
I had a quick spelunk and there’s a user defaults key that looks promising for turning off these adverts Apple has put into Xcode 🤞
defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode XcodeCloudUpsellPromptEnabled -bool false
James Thomson @jamesthomson
11/10四 Cocoaheads Taipei 2022 十一月份聚會 這個月要改實體囉
如果你有 iOS 相關職缺或是求職履歷想要刊登在開發者週報,請見關於。
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