又到了月初,提醒您可以到 Patreon 訂閱支持我寫作這份週報。
這個月,我用了大家捐助的錢去買了台灣的遊戲開發團隊的新作,詳情可見 weak self 87 集。
(Patreon 的機制是:剛加入時會扣款一次、之後都在月初扣,所以不建議月底加入)
✈️TestFlight for Mac
對於 Mac app 開發者算是大事吧。但使用者需要 Monterey。
🏃M1 Pro and M1 Max Xcode Build and Test Benchmarks
If you have a budget of less than $2,500, buy an M1 MacBook Air (not the 13" Pro. The MacBook Air is the bargain here!). If you have more than $2,500, then buy the 10-core M1 Pro.
人家用套件實測也是推 MBA M1(針對預算在 2500 美金以下的開發者) ,跟我的建議一致。
📖UIKit Catalog 更新
官方的 UIKit 元件範例。對於 iOS 初學者應該很有幫助。
💡開發 macOS app 之大補帖

Do you plan to get started in Mac development, especially with SwiftUI?
I'm by no mean Mac expert, but I've made quite a few Mac apps and I've bookmarked some useful resources and tools along the way.
Since many have asked me for recommendation, here is the list 🧵👇
🤪Random Tweets

We recently found that the new 2021 M1 MacBooks cut our Android build times in half.
So for a team of 9, $32k of laptops will actually save $100k in productivity over 2022. The break-even point happens at 3 months.
TL;DR Engineering hours are much more expensive than laptops!


Firr @Firr
🎙weak self podcast 87 try await
為什麼 weak self 會變成勸敗節目、應該要改名嗎?
如果你有 iOS 相關職缺或是求職履歷想要刊登在開發者週報,請見關於。